Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Utah Valley University

Today was very exciting at my work. Today we officially went from Utah Valley State College to UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY. All the media and state senators were there at 10 am this morning for the celebration. It was so hot, but a very cool moment in history in which I was able to attend. In the background is the brand new "Digital Learning Center" they had to build in order to become a University. It has taken over a year to build and is the most energy efficient in Utah.

Here are me and some of the people I work with in my office beating the heat with our nifty UVU visors which were provided.

Here is the actual ribbon cutting ceremony of the President of the college, William Sederburg. He is the one I drew the arrow to.

AND not to forget my favorite picture of BIG BUDDHA. Tyler and I watch Fox 13 news every morning and he is their news correspondent who follows special stories and events every morning. He was there covering the event and I was so excited to get a picture with him!


Ashlee said...

ALright! Way to get that up so quickly, and I must say your picture with Big Buddah has to be the best thing!

Megan said...

It seems as if I missed you at the celebration. It was great though, I can't believe how many 'men of power' there were attending. I love Big Buddah!

Shauna said...

You guys are sooooo cute! We were looking at your blog and the first thing Chandler said was Big Buddah I love that guy. Glad I found your blog :)