I love that summer is here but it seems like now it is almost over! So far we've had a great time, but I am trying to list our top favorite moments or things over the summer...(so far)
5. I have used my Seven Peaks pass two times already this year (considering it was rainy the whole month of May and June I consider that more than I thought I would use it!) AND that is kind of an inside joke, because Tyler told me I had to use it twice to get my moneys worth.
4. Eating a gazillion otter pops at the Dunes - it s been awhile since I've had one, but thank goodness I didn't come out of it with a fruit juice hangover or a brain freeze.
3. Tyler is currently the (unofficial) spokesperson of P90X. He tells everyone he knows about it, and he has been doing really awesome! I'm proud of him for sticking with it. He is coming upon 60 days in about a week or so.
2. Keeping up with the boys at the family reunion at golf. (hey I wasn't terrible ok) I'm ready for my set of purple clubs now!
1. By far my favorite moment is when we went to Arizona to visit Tyler's brother and his family. My niece Maddie and her mom (Jen) were talking while we visited:
Jen: Maddie, you usually always sleep in until at least 8:00, why have you been getting up so early (at 6:00 am)?
Maddie: Mom, I don't sleep in when we have customers! (I think she mean't to say guests) HA HA!
Slow Start
1 week ago